Cooking Tips Series [1]

# Soap the bottom and side of your pots and pans before putting on the fire. This will reduce the amount of scouring you will need to do when cleaning up. Liquid soap is easier to use than bar soap.

# If cooking on a wood fire, wait for the flames to burn down. The coals are where the heat comes from. Also the flames will blacken the bottom and sides of the pot making clean up more difficult.

# When using a propane or gas stove you have a variety of heat settings, wide open is not the best way to cook.
# Just because what you are cooking is black on the outside it does not mean that it is cooked all
the way through. Check the insides before serving.

# If you continually have burnt on the out side and raw on the inside food. Lower the cooking
temperature so the food will cook more evenly.

# Get copies of your favorite recipes at home and suggest them for camping trips. Follow the recipe and box directions to prepare food.

# Many camping books have recipes. Check them out from the library and copy the ones that
sound good. Do as much preparation as possible at home. Dice your onions, green peppers, etc. at home and store them in plastic bags. Place in the cooler before leaving.

# To cut down on grease in camp food, fry meats in a fine dusting of salt in the skillet instead of
fat or shortening.

# Vegetables such as celery carrots, radishes, cabbage, and lettuce will keep fresh longer if wrapped in foil and several layers of brown paper bag.

# A little vinegar will remove onion and fish odor from a skillet.

# Scrambled eggs go further if bread crumbs and a little milk are added.

# A little dab of butter in oatmeal while its cooking will make pot easier to clean.

# Pancakes are less likely to stick if you add a tablespoon of melted fat to each 1.5 cups of

# To remove fishy odor from your hands, rub a little vinegar on them and rinse with cold water.

# Bullion cubes can be substituted for meat stocks when making camp soup, stews, and gravies.

# Drop a small pat of butter or one tablespoon of oil in your spaghetti water to prevent it from boiling over.

# Stir pancake batter instead of beating it, don't worry about the lumps. they will disappear.

# On a cold day. butter may be too hard to spread easily. Invert a heated bowl or pan over the
butter dish for a few minutes. This will soften the butter but not melt it.

# Save TV dinner tray to use in camp.

# Sprinkle a few drops of water on sliced bacon to keep it from shriveling in the pan.

# To keep cheese from molding, wrap it in cheese cloth dipped in vinegar.

# A piece of apple or orange inside a covered container of brown sugar will keep it soft.

# To keep salt shaker from spilling while traveling, Screw a piece of plastic wrap under the lid.

# Place bread in a shoe box to keep it from being smashed.

# Rice in the salt shaker will absorb moisture and keep salt from lumping.

# By using lids whenever possible, you will greatly reduce the cooking time required for many

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