# Lightly grease a cast-iron fiddle before making first pancakes. Then rub a raw peeled potato between batches. This will produce golden brown flapjacks that will not stick.
# To tenderize tough cuts of meat, as for stew, add a little vinegar to the water in which the meat is being boiled.
# Cheese cut in small strips or narrow slices will keep well in a covered glass jar.
# A little lemon juice added to the boiling water will make rice whiter and keep the grains from sticking.
# At or near sea level foods cook quickly, care must be taken to prevent burning.
# A can or bottle can be used as a rolling pin.
# Eggs can be removed from the shell, whole, and stored in an oil jar with lid. They won't break and can still be poured out on at a time.
# Form hamburgers, biscuits or cookies with a clean tin can, glass or cup.
# Use fingernail polish to mark foil dinners. It won't burn off in the coals.
# Do not spray non-stick coatings for pans on a hot skillet / pan or near coals or flames. The spray can ignite causing the can to explode.
# Vegetables can be warmed directly in their own can, but you must first open the lid part way to vent off steam. Otherwise, the can might explode.
# A small soft drink bottle can be used as a potato masher.
# Adding a pinch or two of salt to water when boiling a cracked egg will prevent the whites from running out, or wrap the eggs tightly in aluminum foil.
# Mix instant drinks in a screw top plastic bottle.
# A pinch of flour sprinkled on fat while frying will stop the spattering.
# Removing a single strip of bacon from a package is difficult. Roll the packaged tightly. The slices will come off easily.
# Don't salt meats while (or before) they are broiled. Salt starts the juices running and you'll loose flavor.
# Slab bacon will keep without molding for long periods if first washed in water and a small amount of soda, then dried over a smoky fire.
# Biscuits, breads and corn cakes which are dried out can be freshened by placing in a brown paper bag after sprinkling lightly with water. Place the bag near the heat or in a reflector oven for a few minutes.
# If vegetables or cereal scorch, plunge the pan and all into cold water for a few minutes. Much of the burned taste will be dissipated.
# Test spaghetti for doneness by throwing one noodle up against a tree. If it sticks it is done. (Remove from tree after test!)
# If your stew or gravy is too salty, cut pieces of raw potato and add to the mix. Remove after a few minutes. The potato will absorb the salt.
# Eggs dipped in boiling water for 10 seconds will last for weeks in a camp ice chest.
# To check if an egg is fresh place it in water, if it sinks it is fresh if it floats it is bad.
# Store eggs with large end up, they will stay fresh longer.
# Lining your cooking equipment with foil will save cleanup.
# Wipe dishes and pans with a paper towel, to get the grease off before cleaning.
# A pop top liquid soap container can be used to store vegetable oil. (Be sure to mark the contents of the container on the outside.)
# A whisk broom or a 4 inch paint brush can be used to sweep out your tent before striking.
# When traveling you can heat frozen T. V. dinners on the manifold of your car.
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